techKnow by Chris Simmons

Chris Simmons puts a unique spin on tech based news

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Study: Email worse than Drug Use

A study commissioned by Hewlett Packard concluded that employees who are distracted by email suffer a dramatic loss in their effectiveness at the workplace. People obsess over checking and responding to their email and lose focus on their real work. The study found that employees who were preoccupied with email suffered a 10 point loss to their IQ which is more than double the loss caused by smoking marijuana. That's right, a stoned worker is more reliable than one who is infatuated with his email account. Experts recommend that "Companies should encourage a more balanced and appropriate way of working." Well if everyone just got high before work this whole email obsession wouldn't be an issue...right?

[Via CNN World ]


At 2:30 PM, April 26, 2005, Blogger Chris Simmons said...

Yea, I'm in the process of changing my adsense settings around and experimenting with some differnt ad layouts.

At 1:58 PM, April 28, 2005, Blogger Chris Simmons said...

Thanks for the heads up Casey, I guess I was comment spammed.

Unfortunately the changes to my blog are because I managed to screw up my template so much that I had to start over from scratch. I was also gettin tired of the green, it was a little hard on the eyes so I guess it worked out for the better.

If you wanna know how to do the drop down menus for your links check out this article oh Hacking Blogger. Here is where it tells you how to make your archive list a drop down menu. The code for changing your recent posts is the same but with the tags from your recent post list.

At 7:21 PM, May 02, 2005, Blogger Chris Simmons said...

yea the thing about the DDL's is that when search bots crawl your site they don't see the links in them. So I took out the links to the class blogs and listed them the old way cuz I know everyone is working on search engine optimization, riiiiight...

At 12:40 AM, May 11, 2005, Blogger Chris Simmons said...

Update: Researches at the University of Delaware just announced that creating a Google AdSense account will effectively render your IQ 0 as you impulsively check the click through rate of your site. On that note, Click my links...


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