techKnow by Chris Simmons

Chris Simmons puts a unique spin on tech based news

Thursday, March 31, 2005

a 50 thousand dollar rabbit?

Check out:, it's a pretty crazy site...apparently someone is holding "the cutest little bunny on the planet" hostage and threatening to butcher it if he doesn't recieve $50k by June 30th. Naturally, a lot of people are pretty upset about the ethical implications of this (he's actually doing nothing wrong from a LEGAL perspective)...Others love the site and are buying all sorts of t-shirts, mousepads and other junk. The interesting thing is that this guy says he's almost halfway to his 50 thousand dollar target and is even claiming to have a book deal in the works; however, he refuses to reveal his there is really no way of knowing how much money he has recieved or whether or not Toby is really in any danger.

[via Hot Points]


At 6:38 PM, April 01, 2005, Blogger Alex said...

wow, what will people think of next ?

At 4:17 PM, April 05, 2005, Blogger Chris Simmons said...

Hey Sara, I'm with you...only in the US would someone be able to make this much money off such a ridiculous story. I seriously doubt Toby is in any danger (if he even exists)...this guy is just trying to take advantage of people who have a soft-spot for animals. highlights the fact that people need to question what they read, whether online or in print medium. Until they learn how to decipher fact from fiction they will continue to be subject to this kind of bullshit.

At 7:33 PM, April 11, 2005, Blogger Chris Simmons said...

technically its not considered animal cruelty because he's taking it to a butcher to be killed like thousands of other rabbits every day....although its not every day that "the cutest rabbit on the planet" is butchered.

At 8:10 PM, April 12, 2005, Blogger Alex said...

and this was on nbc news last night ...


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