techKnow by Chris Simmons

Chris Simmons puts a unique spin on tech based news

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

swimmin in it

Just wanted to share some exciting news: My Google Adsense account has finally broken the $10 barrier. That means that writing this blog for my marketing class has not been a complete waste of time. The numbers get even more impressive when you look a little deeper...I started this blog about 10 weeks ago so...(lemme get my calculator)...that's $1 a week of pure profit, wow. I think I could really have a future with this who blogging thing...

Alright this is where you come in. Screw SaveToby and GiveBoobs, if you really want to support a worthwhile cause you'll donate to an unemployed college student who desperately needs money to fuel the many costly habits one acquires over the course of his college career.

Donating to this noble fund is easy and requires 0 of your own dollars, just click on one of the Google Adsense banners in the right sidebar of my Blog. Right now there are ads for really cool stuff like mole traps and...yea mostly mole traps but thats besides the point. All that matters is you're giving money to someone in need. If you don't click will you really be able to sleep tonight?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Sun sets over the Valley

Sun Microsystems announced this week that it will be outsourcing its research and design functions from the Silicon Valley in California, to several of its locations scattered across Asia. This move continues the company and industry trend of leaving the Valley (and western hemisphere in general) for the cheap labor available abroad.

Right now the uncertainty surrounding the long term health of US economy, and the rate at which American jobs are going offshore is pretty scary. I just wrote a huge paper for my Business Ethics class on the ethical implications of outsourcing so I'm interested in hearing some of your perspectives on the issue. I know it requires a little bit of thought but does anyone have any comments? Here are some resources which offer insight on both sides of the debate:

One thing I do know is that I'm glad I didn't waste the past four years of college studying computer science or finance, only to have my job sent over to someone who is wiling to work for a tenth of my salary in Bangalore, India. By going into Marketing I'm making a long term bet that I will have greater earning potential and job security at least according to which puts out a list of common jobs and the risk that each job will be outsourced. What do you think?

[Via Wired News ]

Monday, May 09, 2005

The New Spruce Goose

Earlier this year National Geographic News reported that Airbus had announced plans for its 555 passenger Airbus A380 "superjumbo" passenger plane which sports a wing span as wide as a football field. Now the pics are finally up and the A380 looks pretty slick.

One of the things worth noting about the A380 is the fact that despite it being about 50% larger than a Boeing 747-400 the plane offers just 35% more seating. Some of this additional space will be seen in slightly (5 cm) wider seats. The way that the remainder of the space is used will be completely up to the individual airlines.

Virgin Atlantic has already announced plans to include gyms, casinos and even double beds on its fleet of six A380s. So now you'll have the option to arrive at your destination completely broke, but at least you wont be sleep deprived.

Branson had this to say to a French reporter "Since you have gaming and you have private double beds maybe there are two ways of getting lucky on a Virgin plane," well said Rich. Finally that lifelong dream of joining the mile high club seems somewhat more attainable.

I recently had the good fortune to spend 14 hours packed in like a sardine on a flight from LAX to Sydney. Despite my best efforts (which included a cocktail of sleeping pills and cheap wine) I was not able to sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time. By the time I get a chance to return to Australia I should have some more entertainment options on the marathon flight. This means both myself and the airline whom I am giving money will happy. Airbus claims to have sold 139 of these Howard Hughes size planes, could this be part of the solution to the ailing airline industry?

[Via Gridskipper]